Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Voice Counts: Bhopal, Nandigram, Singur, Cudallore, Narmada and so many more

Trip report on visit to sabhavna clinic
-lodging- rallies & protests
Something was always going on-numbers are in 100s-preparations-strategic things to discuss and plan for
DharnaDaily updatesBeing in Bhopal was very inspiring and up close and personal -this is their reality - only a glimpse
Lots of media attention
Black holi
Constant police presence - threats to pickup
What you can do for the Bhopal campaign as an individual or a chapter
-leaking ponds resulting in groundwater contamination- Presentation on what we can do
Lived in India and worked with Medha Patkar since 2002
Current situation - Protests - SEZs (Nandigram, Singur) - Mass displacements are expected
The Govt is just not willing to give in. You can struggle for 20 years but you are not going to win.
How can we connect these issues: Displacement as a whole.
Medha's fast - to challenge the figures of the electricity production that the engineers were projecting from Narmada. In singure the car factory was being done for 990 acres where as in Europe it is 350 acres. Volunteering opportunity: Visit Medha and help and volunteer to work along with her. write articles, write to editors Getting saathis together Sign up

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