Tuesday, May 29, 2007
What an AID Conference!!! A message from Ravi Kuchimanchi
My Voice Counts: Bhopal, Nandigram, Singur, Cudallore, Narmada and so many more
Trip report on visit to sabhavna clinic
-lodging- rallies & protests
Something was always going on-numbers are in 100s-preparations-strategic things to discuss and plan for
DharnaDaily updatesBeing in Bhopal was very inspiring and up close and personal -this is their reality - only a glimpse
Lots of media attention
Black holi
Constant police presence - threats to pickup
What you can do for the Bhopal campaign as an individual or a chapter
-leaking ponds resulting in groundwater contamination- Presentation on what we can do
Lived in India and worked with Medha Patkar since 2002
Current situation - Protests - SEZs (Nandigram, Singur) - Mass displacements are expected
The Govt is just not willing to give in. You can struggle for 20 years but you are not going to win.
How can we connect these issues: Displacement as a whole.
Medha's fast - to challenge the figures of the electricity production that the engineers were projecting from Narmada. In singure the car factory was being done for 990 acres where as in Europe it is 350 acres. Volunteering opportunity: Visit Medha and help and volunteer to work along with her. write articles, write to editors Getting saathis together Sign up
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Fighting Corruption: Vijay Anand
August is designated by AID as the corruption free month with road trips planned to various schools and colleges on this in Tamilnadu.
Dr. Bhagat said that we need to focus on people and children and teach them never to take bribe. So if no one takes a bribe... there will be no bribery.
NREGA: Challenges and current issues
- Meant to give labor for 100 days
- Primarily labor based... no machines etc.
- 50% NREGA budget not utilized last year
- People dont know that they need to apply
- Street plays and education for local poeple so they can understand what the NREGA act provides and how to utilize it
- Wages are based on daily wage rate or a piece rate. Min daily wage rate is Rs. 70 per day.
- Each state has their own emp guarantee schemes in tune with the NREGA
- Measurability of work is a big challenge and there is a lot of corruption in this area
- NREGA act and its governance can highly benefit from the RTI Act.
He showed a couple of videos of street plays on the NREGA act.
He showed a video of a bunch of people digging and carrying dirt and mud. He suggested that the Indian Govt should implement suggestions on improving implements and tools and providing shade/shelter to the workers working in the hot sun. He said its important that the govt monitors the progress on the work being done so work can be efficient and corruption can be mitigated.
Right to Information Act: Arvind Kejriwal
- Which dept deals with the information that I need to know
- Drafting the application
- Forming the questions
- Which officer deals with this information. No one will tell you
- Submitting the application
- How to submit the Rs. 10 application fee, which account number should be used for the demand draft
- Bihar Experiment: Bihar citizens need to call the phone number and just ask for the information. Your voice becomes the RTI application. The voice is transcribed and sent. The fee is charged to your phone bill. But bureaucracy has been putting up obstacles in this process. 64 telephone exchanges exist in Bihar and not all are working or setup even 6 months after it was promised to the CM. But despite that where the exchanges work, people say things happen very fast.
- Information Commisioner: If an officer doesnt give the response in 30 days the Information commissioner needs to be informed. The officer will be penalized with a reduction in salary. There are three sets of ICs. One who have the people in their heart, one who we have to work with and one who are corrupt. It is really important to work with and encourage the first two types.
- He gave an example of a sincere and proactive IC, Vijay and two examples of how this person works and gets things done. Another person is Mr. B N Das who is a terror to the officers in the bureaucracy. Mr. O P Kejriwal is another IC who imposes strict penalties on officers that helps reforms the officers as these penalties get recorded on their career record which can really affect their career progress. But this is not without peril for such ICs. In some cases they are accused of sexual harrassment or intimidated.
- Can we encourage these information commissioners by writing to them and offering words of support? Can a movement or publicity help bring attention to the false case against Mr. O P Kejriwal?
- Next he talked about how we can engage with ICs that have a potential and who we can work with and help educate about issues and need for them to be honest, proactive and responsible.
- Central Information Commision (CIC): An experiment showed how out of 200 people who walked out of the CIC ... only 6 were satisfied with the results. He illustrated horror stories of how the CIC rejects cases with no valid reasons, how people are made to run around many many times over.
- The four questions to ask in an RTI application that are most useful: what has been done so far, who are the officers, what action is taken against the officers, when to expect my results/information?
- We need to find out which Judge is pro-RTI. 15 cases have been filed in the Delhi High Court. The first case has already been won (this was the CIC rejecting the cases with no hearing).
AID can help with
- Trying to do this across the country. One AID volunteer in various places to assess the Information Commission/ Information Commisioner in that area.
- Having a local advocate to fight cases and file cases. Even a junior advocate is fine.
The most important thing for RTI is local bodies, strengthening of local institutions. Educating local populations on what is needed. Local self governance is an important enabler for improvement of the systems. Panchayat vs other higher level of governance shows that panchayat based actions are more accountable and result oriented.
Arvind also talked about "patta" where if a person or a group of people are in a particular place for a while have a right to the land. Delhi govt. is using the divide and rule policy to raze "juggis" in various places in Delhi to prevent people from staying in those areas. Arvind extolled AID to help get all these people together and fight the unjust removal of these juggis where these people have lived for such a long time.
Keshav started off the sessions today by talking about recycling. He mentioned different grades of plastic that determine how they are recycled. He encouraged everyone to recycle and save paper with more intelligent ways of printing. "Composting is very easy to do in houses or apartments and you can do a number of different things like using compact flourescent bulbs, using hand towels instead of paper napkins, using a shopping bag rather than 'paper or plastic' at the grocery stores and many more intelligent choices have a big impact at the personal level. When many people do that it has a very big impact at a mass scale".
Saturday, May 26, 2007
That night 2-3 December 1984

- the scenes from the night
- misinformation for treatment that the company gave on that night and the next few days
- the overwhelming number of victims/patients that arrived at the hospitals
- the company ran away from criminal cases, manslaughter charges etc. It sold off its shares in India and continues to be a business in the US and continues to sell its products to India
- the company knew as far back as 1982 that chemicals were seeping through to groundwater
- the company knew of the hazards
- the company knew of the malfunctioning or turned off safety systems and yet didnt inform the local population and governments
- the company conveniently blamed the entire accident on a worker and called it a sabotage while every piece of evidence points to the corporate irresponsibility of the company
- as of today since the disaster an additiona l 20000 people have died
- over 100,000 people are affected
- samples of breast milk of mothers in bhopal show extremely toxic chemicals
- Bhopal is not the only carnage Dow Chemical is responsible for there are many examples of its disastrous corporate crimes on the web
- Besides fighting for justice for the victims we also want to prevent this from happening again
- We want to prevent the thought that "people are expendable"
- The people affected were those who eke out a living and whose livelihood is now affected by the physical debiliations of the chemicals on their bodies
- People got $500 for injuries that will now ail them for the rest of their lives... respiratory, abdominal, eye, skin
- The water that is planned to be supplied is also in the line of flow of the contaminated water.
- Dow continues to receive support form Govt. of India to expand its business in India. They got Ratan Tata to write a letter to Montek Singh Ahluwalia saying Indian Govt. should withdraw an application asking for $100,000 for clean up of Bhopal from the High Court
- We worked out ways to work together despite internecine squabbles among various survivors organizations.
- Now there are 4 organizations and decision making is by conscensus.
- A large number of the activists and people fighting are women. Women are everywhere caring for their husbands, children, family members affected by the disaster and its after effects. They are also the most affected by the toxic chemicals.
- Women have done various creative actions like "Jhaadu maaro aandolan". When Dow CEO was visiting Houston, he was faced with activists holding jhaadu and he was completely taken aback.
- Women went to tie raakhi to the chief minister and he promised clean water. But when he didnt do it and the women tried to confront him, he accused them of dacoitry. "Bhai bana kasaayi..." was a song born out of this incident.
- He is showing pictures from the 2006 padyaatra
- He is showing pictures from the successes of the 2007 padyaatra
- Now he is showing pictures from the Sambhaavna clinic, how it was started.
- Sambhavna provides ayurvedic, allopathic and yogic treatments to exposure induced diseases. Sambhavna conducted many tests and experiments on victims and found that a combination of the three was very helpful, especially the addition of yogic and ayurvedic care.
- Funds are through individual donations, royalties from Dominique Lapiere's book "5 mins past midnight in Bhopal". This covers 10% of the expenses
- But expenses are growing and more than half of the volunteers are victims of the disaster themselves
- Future plans Sambhavna: International Center for Environmental Health (lay epidemiology, applied toxicology, healing exposure induced injuries)
- AID Joined the Bhopal Campaign in 2002
- Getting NOC for clean up from Indian Govt, Scrapping of Dow-IOC deal are some of the successes over the past few years
- Chiraag trust- for vegetable vendors and solar vendors
- Rashida Bi and Champa Devi won the Goldman Env. Prize ($125,000) and they gave all this money to the "Chingaari Trust" instead of using it for themselves. They among other things give a "Chingaari Grant against corporate crime" to a woman from the hinterland (non prominent activist) fighting corporate crime in India.
- Pictures from Oriya basti school, herbal garden, eye clinic
- Publication of research in JAMA from ICMR about effects on children but when govt prevented this from happening Sambhavna started to do this research and found effects of the disaster on children as the grow and even post puberty
- Shapiro resolution, amnesty support, "Yes men action"
- State govt acknowledges responsibility for medical care and rehabilitation
Evolving Story of AID and Challenges Ahead

We have two people from Dallas in AID EB!
Srinadh and Sunita, hurrah to you guys! Looking forward to your leadership!

Dr. Bhagat was invited to make a few comments and he sang a song and brought out the point that AID is based on love. He talked about how the earth has taken millions of years to evolve and how we have really abused it. He sang a song about it. He mentioned the importance of water and how life is not possible without it and how its important to protect, grow and preserve it.
This session was followed by a session by Srinath Chidambaram about the state of AID. We (the entire auditorium) interacted on a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of/for AID.
Its amazing how the issues we face in Dallas seem to be the exact same issues that other chapters AID wide face.
I am also in admiration of how well organized this conference seems to be. The welcome packet, the registration desk, the timing of the session seem to have been very well thought out. The volunteers had a staging area for everyone to show up and then directed them personally to their accomodations. Sanjay Kote and Karthik were constantly checking if I got to my host's place fine and had detailed, maps, instructions and directions.
There are so many people here from so many chapters. Over 100. Though I hear its lesser than previous years. But there are so many people who I have worked with and who are so inspiring in their work. Sathyu, Aravinda, Ravi, Aquene, Ryan.... I am just so glad I came to the conference! I am inspired!
In Flight

I am glad the queue at the USAir terminal wasn’t long and no traffic backups despite the rain. And thanks Harshika for dropping me at the airport!
I just finished planning what I am going to write on the poster we are entering into the poster competition in the 2007 AID conference on behalf of AID Dallas. Coming to think of it we almost did not have one. I called Venktesh from AID Tempe at 4 PM to ask if he know how I could bring the poster boards and he said, “No! no poster boards just a roll up poster with Chapter Milestones 2006-2007.”
Ok… so I have 2 hours before leaving for the airport. What can I put on a poster? I’ll think later… let me get a poster sheet. Just remembered Harshika had said she wants to work on a poster. Maybe she can help? I got out went to office depot and was browsing through the posters … white, fluorescent green, fluorescent orange. There was one with clouds and a blue sky in the background. I started humming “I believe I can fly....”. Hmmm why not? We have done some pretty cool things in the last one year in AID Dallas. We’ve grown in our volunteer strength, have been increasing our fundraising activities and our participation in projects and local dallas events. What about “We believe we can fly… we believe we can touch the sky” as a title?
I ain’t creative so I guess I’d have to wait for Harshika to show up. I started to print out pictures for the poster. Harshika arrived at 5:30. Half hour to go. I showed her my idea and while I paced around nervously she got to work on the poster. Cutting the pictures, arranging them. She said, “We should have balloons with these sets of pictures in a balloon each”. I almost said no. Then I thought that’s a great idea! So I nodded my head, decided to not use my creativity and let her do the drawing and color pens. It was 6:15. I was anxious. We were running out of time! She drew the pencil outlines for me and said, “Can you write over them with the color pens in Phoenix Airport?” 6:30.
As I reached to grab the cut pictures and the poster from her I noticed her hands were shaking uncontrollably.
May 26, 2007 9:15 PM CDT